
E-Learning Projects Chemistry

This page links to some e-learning projects of the Institute of Chemistry and Biochemistry of FU Berlin


The material has been developed for students of Chemistry and related sciences in order to complement the lectures, seminars and laboratory courses given at Freie Universität Berlin, but may also be of interest for students of other universities. Details about the level and the intended audience you may find at the home pages of the individual projects.


Note! Some of the material in available in German only. Comments, suggestions and other feedback is welcome.


A Chemistry Quiz

This teaching tool is intended for beginners in chemistry and students of related sciences. An interactive multiple-choice quizz introduces contents from all branches of chemistry. Sorry, available in German only.


Life's Inorganic Building Blocks

The JMOL-based software gives an overview about the multifaceted role of chemical elements in living cells. Structure and functions of biologically important molecules are introduced in 3D representations.



Selected topics of radioactivity and radiochemistry are introduced by means of simple animations and short accompanying explanations.